"The 2001's Twin Towers Crash in Manhattan, with its 2 synchronized lesser attacks against the Pentagon and the White House, was maybe a pretext baked by deviated Secret Service to continue the war against Osama Bin Laden's Afghanistan in order to hide those dangerous friendly and business liaisons between the whole Bush family and that Afghani-Saudi VIP." This alternative piece of History had already come out very soon after that very bad Islamic Terror's kamikaze event, but erupted like a sewage geyser in the 2014 documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 by the great and mostly criticized Michael Moore.
I must say that I consider Islam very ambiguous in itself, bearing the two-faced message of Peace and Revenge that displays a pre-Enlightenment and anti-Modernism spirit.
But very different and absolutely negative is Muslim extremism brought up by Ayatollah, Hamas, Qaeda, Caliphate and Bokoharam: this radical ideology denies civil rights except Sharia's, with different shades and varieties, fighting the survival of different religions, atheism, secularism, the visual arts and scientific-philosophical studies.
In the collective memory of the West and beyond, the Twin Towers and their corpses have become the icon of evil and fanatical Muslims who rages on the Judeo-Christian liberal hosting. I think also that people consider fanatical even a vehement demand of one's supremacy as part of a category or social class, or a too long unheard claim about rights or unredempted loss: just during the twentieth century, Corsicans, Zionists, Afro-Americans, Argentines, Catalans, Basques, Sardinians, Southern Tyroleans, Northern Irish, Scottish, Palestinians, Kurds, and segregated South Africans are the examples that come to mind, regardless of terrorism or rioting triggered by the various claims. Another thought of mine is that spontaneous liberal hospitality in 2000 had already become neoliberal exploitation accomplished by Reagan and Thatcher.
We all can observe that after September 2001 most European and American Muslims have become for many people object of suspicion, discrimination and marginalization or even personified bogeys. This was an unforecasted effect of defensive and offensive psychological harassment as well as the reaction of the "Umma", the Islamic community which is more supportive, compassionate and monolithic than "Christianity".
In fact Muslims of all nationalities and races call each other as "brother" or "sister". In the Christian world blasphemy and apostasy, are distinct concepts whereas in Islam almost overlap and are punishable by death penalty thru a fatwa, executable by any "brother" and "sister". On a socially fertilized ground after a wild liberalism the vindictive solidarity of the Umma bore serial desperate siblings who have organized themselves into web, coagulating around Qaeda and now around the Caliph.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East opponents caught in the Caliphate are deleted as chickens, may vegans forgive this comparison: Christians and idolaters are slaughtered and decapitated while the dissident Muslims are "only" grilled alive. But women often undergo the alternative of being "stitched" like stuffed chickens or raped.
Just at the end of this post I've found on the Web several Mrs Clinton's statements about U.S. responsibility about Isis, that could be an ideological virus escaped from their own control!
info sources: wikipedia.org / huffintonpost.it / ansa.it / TIMSpot
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