lunedì 26 novembre 2012

288. Rockets and carnage in the Holy Land.

translation adapted from
November 20th. Yesterday and today, "Children's International Rights Day", beyond the threat of a nuclear bomb from Iran with the only effect of a disaster in the Mediterranean Sea, I cried my anxiety out for 4 nations and all their children owning the Holy Land: 4 nations? .... Populations who lived there, who went there to settle or who took this historic land are in fact four different religious affiliations: Druze, Christians, Jews and Muslims, but we only speak about Palestinians and Jews, often physiognomically very similar. The last century has taught me that religious multiculturalism, Creole folklore and mestizo heritage are altogether a core value, being also a great charm to me since my age of reason. Consider that both Israeli and Palestinian pacifists support the solution of "2 states for 2 peoples": the others ought to support the extermination or expulsion of opposing lineage! If one ceased to assert one's political and religious leadership, a "Swiss solution " would easily come to surface, with the cantons of different languages, but with different residents or natives who can move freely from one canton to another without feeling less "Swiss" of each of their neighbors. But Manuela Dviri, the journalist interviewed yesterday in TelAviv, in the morning on a private radio, and at 9 p.m. for a very popular tv talk-show led by the Italian Jewish journalist Gad Lerner, touched me deeply. She is herself a secular Jewish Italian, married to an Orthodox Jew, now a pacifist Israeli grandmother, missing her young son during a war, while she is a friend of many Palestinians, co-operates in projects for children in Gaza and stated that her own pain and anger toward the war turned to nausea. I'm not involved personally in that war but I feel helpless and anxious to 2 parts often considered equivalent: the vast majority of the Islamic world calls Israel "The Grim Terrorist State" and most of Jews from all around the world describe the Palestinian people as a "band of terrorist bastards. "
Personally, since I was 3 years, violence against people, animals and objects themselves, primarily including those shown in the movies, always shakes me to desperation. Despite reaching the rational separation between fiction and reality, however, after more than 50 years I still repelle this kind of catastrophic or violent events, even from the press, as many "bad targets!"

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